Pastor Chibueze Chukwu

About The Founder

Profile Of Pst Chukwu Chibueze – Cfaith President

Pastor Chibueze Chukwu is a teacher of the “Gospel of the Kingdom”, who believes that the Word of God is able to change anything. He is the President and founder of Cfaith Global Christian Network, registered in Nigeria on 10th August 2022 as a nonprofit faith organization. Also, the MD of Cfaith Media, one of the fastest-growing Christian Media in Nigeria.

He is an Associate Pastor with House of Refuge Lagos under the leadership of Pastor Aduke Obey. PC (as fondly called) is an ICT person with an interest in using ICT/Internet and Multimedia to prepare the body of Christ for the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus.

He is happily married to Minister Kelechi Chukwu with 2 Children, David and Divine Chukwu.

His radio program and podcast “Faith Sharing with Pastor Chukwu” is listened to by thousands of people worldwide.

Some Of Pastor Chukwu’s Podcasts and Messages

Want To Hear From Pastor Chukwu?

+234 805 119-0003